Healthier, Crowd Pleasing, Toad in the Hole


Sigh. Although it’s the middle of June, here in Somerset the rain keeps falling with no end in sight. The log basket is still stocked and heating still on. But hey, an excuse to cook up this warming family favourite, boosted with wholegrain flour and roasted vegetables fragranced with fat garlic cloves.

The Yorkshire pudding batter is a base I use for our Sunday roast individual Yorkshire puddings but it works just as well in this tray bake. Mix organic white flour with wholegrain spelt flour for extra goodness. Organic milk, sausages and bacon are the way I go if I have to spend any extra money on organic produce.

You can adjust quantities dependant on how many people you have around the table – I have given leeway here for 4/6 which is an average sitting for us.

Super easy – give it a go and make life easy for yourself for a midweek meal.


Healthier, Crowd Pleasing, Toad in the Hole – Serves 4/6

8-12 organic sausages, allowing two for each person on average

Half a rasher of smoked bacon per sausage


100g plain flour

100g wholemeal flour

3 organic eggs

300ml milk

Various vegetables roasting – onions, garlic cloves, heritage carrots, broccoli, peppers, etc..


This is a good one to pre prep and keep on hold in the fridge until you need it. Wrap the sausages in the half bacon strips and lay out in a large, heavy oiled baking dish, cover and refrigerate. The batter improves for resting it a bit so do that at the same time, leaving to rest in the fridge in a jug.

Chop and arrange your chosen vegetables for roasting in another tray, reserved for another oven preferably. Douse with a glug of olive oil and leave, covered, until show time.

When you’re ready to go, warm the oven to 200dg, Gas 6 and pop the sausages in for approx half an hour until they start to turn golden.

Turn the over up a notch then simply pour the batter mixture around the them and continue to cook for another 30-40 minutes until the batter is risen and golden brown. Add the roasted veg to the oven, or another oven if you have one, at the same time. The steam from the vegetables will inhibit the Yorkshire batter rising so if you’re using a single oven, just tweak the temperature up half a notch.


Plate to the table, and serve with a rich gravy on the side to warm you all through until the sun returns.

Have a great week!

Onesportymother x




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