Wholemeal Breakfast Drop Scones

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A power packed breakfast or brunch for you here – bursting with summer colour and nutrients. This base recipe was taken from Mary Berry but ingredients changed to add more fibre and goodness.

These evoke many happy memories of my Highlander grandmother making traditional Scottish drop scones for us when I was a child. Really comforting and tasty, add many toppings to bump up the vitamins and calories essential for a busy day. I have coupled with berries, honey, yoghurt and a sprinkling of seeds for good measure.

Very quick and easy – rustle some of these up before the family head out for a days activity in the sun.

Children's entertainment during the vacation
Fun in the sun – filled with good energy from good food


Wholemeal Breakfast Drop Scones – serves 4

6oz (175g) wholemeal self raising flour (I use Doves Organic)

1 tsp baking powder

40g (1 1/2 oz) coconut sugar

Zest of one orange, grated finely

1 organic free range egg

7 fl oz (200ml) semi skimmed milk

coconut oil for frying

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Blast all of the ingredients together in a blender until well combined and forming a runny mixture.

Heat the coconut oil on medium to high in a large frying pan and drop the batter mixture in small circles, approx. 3″ wide. Try to keep the scones separate. It’s not the end of the world if they bleed together but it makes for easier plating.

Wait until the mixture bubbles on the surface and flip over to cook the other side to a golden brown. This should take 2-3 minutes.

Serve at once with the sides of your choice and glasses of milk or fresh juice.

Enjoy the sun!

Onesportymother x



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