The Ultimate Brilliant Brownies


These brownies have several uses – disguising seeds, nuts and fibre into young athletes, feeding friends after dinner parties, making popular picnics, complementing a coffee on a rainy afternoon…. I could go on. But this is a super reliable chocolate fix which pleases all it touches.

Use the best ingredients you can, as all shine in the finished article.

The Ultimate Brilliant Brownies – Makes Approx 20 squares

350g (12oz) plain chocolate  (at least 40% cocoa solids) broken into squares

225g (8oz) butter, cubed

1 shot expresso, cooled

3 large organic eggs

225g (8oz) coconut sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

3oz wholemeal self raising flour

175g (6oz) chopped walnuts

2 tbsp milled chia seeds

Small bag of plain chocolate chips (6-8oz, 200g approx.)


Prepare a medium size roasting dish by oiling it and lining with greaseproof paper.

Set the oven to 190dg/170dg fan/Gas 5.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a non-metal bowl in the microwave until melted – approx. 2 1/2 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix together the coffee, eggs, vanilla and sugar in a mixer (or by hand if you’re feeling angry) until well combined.

Gradually pour in the cooled chocolate mixture into the eggs, closely followed by the dry ingredients. Mix well until combined.

Pour into the prepared tin, even out with the back of a metal spoon and pop into the middle of the warm oven for 35-45 minutes until lightly firm on the top. The surface will crack a bit but don’t worry about that – all part of the charm.

Now for an order – you MUST let the brownies cool in the dish before you lift out using the greaseproof paper and cut into manageable squares.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy all it brings you.

Onesportymother xx


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